FTM Top Surgery

FTM Top Surgery is a gender-affirming procedure primarily sought by transgender men who wish to achieve a masculine chest contour. The surgery involves removing breast tissue to create a flat, masculine-appearing chest.

For transgender men and non-binary individuals, the presence of breast tissue can be a significant source of gender dysphoria. Having a flat, masculine chest allows many transgender men to feel more congruent with their gender identity.

Surgical Techniques

  1. Double Incision Mastectomy:
    • Recommended for medium to large chests
    • Two horizontal incisions below pectoral muscles
    • Nipple resizing and repositioning
  2. Periareolar (Keyhole) Mastectomy:
    • Suitable for smaller chests
    • Incision around areola edge
    • Minimal scarring
  3. Inverted T or T-Anchor:
    • For larger chests requiring more skin removal
    • Allows comprehensive tissue removal


Recovery includes:

  • Post-surgery drains and compression garments
  • Pain management and activity restrictions
  • Gradual return to normal activities
  • Scar care and management

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Our team is here to answer your questions and guide you through the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Recovery time varies depending on the specific procedure. During your consultation, we'll provide a detailed timeline based on your individual case.

Begin Your Journey Today

Schedule a consultation with our experienced team to discuss your goals and create a personalized treatment plan.